When we are faced with mental health difficulties, naturally our first thought is to focus on our mind in order to solve the problem. However, in many cases, the key to being fully healthy lies in the body too. According to research, regular physical movement, particularly exercise, can be as effective as antidepressants for treating mild to moderate depression, with some studies even suggesting it may be more effective for certain individuals, especially when combined with therapy or medication for more severe cases. We can help you with several forms of movement therapy.
“Susan breaks down movements clearly and encourages people to improve, I highly recommend her classes.”

Somatic Movement Therapy
Often, even when trauma has been resolved in the mind, it can linger in the body. Unresolved issues can cause pain, issues with mobility and even illness and disease. Somatics is a gentle form of movement therapy that helps the client resolve trauma, stress and anxiety by using their body as a tool for release. The results can be extremely powerful. If you have had therapy, but find that some issues still linger, no matter how many times you try to think your way out of them, you might find that somatic movement therapy is the answer for you. Contact us for more information.
“Having suffered in peri-menopause with a sore back, hip and glute pain and low self-esteem, two years later I am a new woman thanks to Susan! Susan is so patient and supportive and encourages her students to be their best “
Moving Meditations and Breathing Exercises
Incorporating gentle movements and deep breathing with mindfulness and meditations practices can be an extremely powerful form of movement therapy. Moving in the correct way can open up the lungs to encourage deeper breathing, flush the stale and negative energy from the meridians which run along our whole body, and encourage deep relaxation of muscles which have been trapped in spasms or which are chronically tight. Using techniques from ancient forms of movement therapy, such as Qi Gong, Tai Chi and Yoga, we can also calm our mind as we calm our bodies. Contact us for information on on-line and in-person classes and workshops which incorporate these powerful techniques.

“Susan’s classes are great for building strong technique and building confidence”.
Belly Dance
The ancient art of belly dance is a powerful and gentle dance form designed to keep the female body healthy throughout all life stages – pre-pregnancy, post-pregnancy, menopause and beyond. It is a power, low-impact dance form, suitable for all ages, which emphasises control and technique. Practising this beautiful art form allows us to tone muscles, express ourselves, get in touch with our female energy, and have fun. It is also a wonderful way to accept and love our bodies exactly as they are today as we tap into some of the deeper aspects of this beautiful goddess dance. Contact us for in-person and on-line classes and workshops and to find out more.
You can also find out more information by visiting our sister site Zeva Dance and Movement.
“Susan is not only and elegant and expressive dancer, but as a teacher, her empathy for others means she cares as much about the emotional development of her students as she does their technical improvement. Taking one of her classes can be a life affirming experience.”