“Susan is a skilled and compassionate psychologist and therapist. She has supported me through a difficult time using her bespoke approach drawing on her many years of experience as a psychologist, hypnotherapist and counsellor. She has supported me to find healthy and effective strategies to manage symptoms of anxiety and depression. With Susan’s support, I have been able to move from unhelpful patterns of thought and behaviour to a more positive and future facing mindset.”

Hypnotherapy is a powerful technique which can quickly and effectively help us to resolve many issues, including:
- Stress and Anxiety
- Overwhelm
- Trauma
- Insomnia
- Pain
- Fears and Phobias
- Eating Disorders
- Smoking
- Addictions
- … and many more

“After seeking guidance to overcome a recent challenge with public speaking, my sessions with Susan led to a transformational improvement. She helped me release the obstacles that were holding me back…”

Hypnotherapy allows us to access the ‘programming’ in the subconscious mind which is not normally accessible to us. Often, we have programmes running which are maladaptive, harmful or no longer needed. These programmes affect our thoughts, feelings and behaviours, negatively affecting the way that we see the world and operate within it.
Our conscious mind only becomes aware of around 40 bits of information out of the 40 million bits of information that the brain is processing every second. Our subconscious mind carries out numerous processes deep within our brains before our conscious mind is aware of them. The subconscious mind then tries to ‘help us’ by removing us from situations and people that it considers harmful – even if our conscious mind doesn’t want to be removed from that situation! Conversely, the subconscious can drive towards unhelpful thoughts and behaviours because it thinks that they are good for us – when our conscious mind desperately wants to stop those thoughts and behaviours. By using hypno-therapeutic techniques which can access our inner-mind directly, we can bypass the programmes we no longer need, and instead replace them with programmes that are positive and helpful for us.
“I couldn’t believe the change from just a couple of sessions of deep relaxation. I am sleeping a lot better now and also my mind feels clearer. Thanks so much!”

By changing our inner mind, we change the way that we see and interact with the world. We create a new and more positive ‘reality tunnel’, one which no longer contains thoughts, beliefs and behaviours that no longer serve us. To book a 60 minute hypnotherapy session with us, please click here or contact us.
Counselling and Talking Therapies
Sometimes, you just need to talk to someone. Whether it’s about your career, your family, your past or yourself. Outlining the problem to a compassionate trained counsellor can really help you to feel less overwhelmed. Being guided through the issue by someone who is trained to ask the right questions in the right way can open up the path for you to find the solution. When traditional talking therapies are combined with modern techniques, like CBT, NLP, Havening and Hypnotherapy, profound change is possible. To book a 60 minute counselling session with us, please click here or contact us.
“Susan is an incredible career coach who truly helped me gain confidence in my career journey. With her guidance, I was able to make clearer decisions and choose the path that’s right for me. I am so grateful for her support and expertise! A huge thank you, Susan!“